Subject: 2/16 Questions From: (Gervase Fen) Date: 1991-02-17, 06:40 Newsgroups: In spite of the possible cancellation of TP, I shall pose these questions to the general fanatic public, hoping to gain some insight for myself. 1) When are they going to bring Major Briggs in "from the woods"? I don't like that they've left that plot line hanging. Now, since I missed most of the first season, (I'm planning ot correct this next weekend when ABC won't be showing our show) I missed quite a bit of the Briggs subplot. What's the deal with the Owls and the "message from outer space," and all that? Could someone generate a brief summary and email it, or give me an address for a location that has plot summaries online (ftp sites will be fine)? 2) Again, due to my oblivion during the first season, I have no concept as to how much of an evil little person Josey is/was (questions about that, too, in a minute). It seems to me that Harry was a little stupid about the whole thing, or MASSIVELY in love with this traitor (or "bitch" as Albert termed her (amen for progressive tv!!)). His expressions at the final confrontation with Coop and Josey were *wonderful*. Well played. A man who has had enough, but still doesn't want his little angel to get hurt. What an actor! 3) Reiterating Bob's question (and I played it back several times to make sure I heard it properly), "What happened to Josey?" As I understand it, and as seems to be the general consensus on the group, Bob is not incarnate in anyone at this point. How has he managed to remove Josey from the realm of reality and put her in his own private hell? I'm convinced that he did "steal" Josey from the world of Twin Peaks. As she collapses on the bed, you can hear Bob laughing in the background. At first I thought it was the wind or something, not knowing what to expect (should we ever know what to expect from this show?), but after Bob made his appearance, I played it back, and sure enough, it's Bob back there. Yow! What is the significance of his appearance to Coop? Is he now playing with Coop the way WE is, too? What significance did the dwarf have, returning to dance on the bed where Josey killed TE? I had heard theories that the dwarf represented Leland in Coop's dream, but this new vision seems to blow that theory out of the water (Leland is still dead, as I recall). And why did I seem to feel that the entire segment was incomplete because we didn't see the Giant? Will he be returning? 4) Is Coop going to tell Harry about his vision of Bob and the dwarf? Hmmmmm..... And now, the most important question currently: WHAT IS ABC's MAILING ADDRESS?? It's time to start a letter-writing campaign to keep this wonderful show on the air. Letter campaigns have worked in the past. Obviously, ABC needs to know that there are a large number of us regular followers who watch the show religiously. It may not show in the Nielsens, but we ALL know how large a following there is. This group helps to prove that point. The lack of "previews" is disheartening, to say the least. Guaranteed, though, that when the next episode IS run, I will be watching or taping it. But a mass of mail from a group such as this one would be enough in their program directors' eyes to keep the show alive. So grab a pencil and paper, or hell! even print out a letter, but get it in to ABC mui pronto. We need to act FAST if our livelihoods are to be maintained! -Fen "Into what I have said no gleam of reason has been allowed to intrude; and I can think of scarcely a single error, however ancient and obscure, which I have failed to propagate." Internet: UUCP ...{ernest,tsci,egsner}!shibaya!toyshop!fen