Subject: Comments on 2/16 From: (David M Snyderman) Date: 1991-02-17, 21:08 Newsgroups: Reply-to: I don't think Josie did it. I'm sorry-- but I just don't buy it. Especially since we saw no negative reaction from Josie towards Our Hero until this episode. Weren't we told (in the original "Dream Sequence") that the Dancing Dwarf has a direct connection to Bob? Is the real Killer BOB president of ABC? How can we get word to Coop who his *real* enemy is? Has anyone thought of sending the compiled comments on 1/26 to Lynch et al? I'd bet that they'd be interested in seeing the creativity... Better yet, how about sending them to ABC? I think that that would show the MGS in charge of the network just what kind of a following that TP has-- especially the comments from poor befuddled persons begging for tape copies of a non-existent episode. I'm about to right my letter to ABC... Have you yet?