Subject: Ibsen Again From: (SoCalGas) Date: 1991-02-18, 15:05 Newsgroups: Reply-to: Once again posting for another, far more drama-blooded animal.... FooDog Well, well, well. Just when you thought that it was safe not to be well read again. It's time for your favorite fish to come back into posting. As a reply to the only reply that gave any feed back to me.... yes, "When We the Dead Awake(n)" is a fine example of what I was talking about. For the rest of you, "A Doll House" should be somewhere in your musty book- shelfs, take it down and check it out. Nora, the suzy homemaker from hell, forged her father's signature to save her husband, the ever incompetent Torvald. But that's not the interesting part. What about her dancing to save her life? She danced to keep the life she had intact, sound like our friend Leland? What about the letter left by Krogstad? Ibsen gets better in other works, but this is a non-threatening start for the rest of you. Back to the "Dead" afficionado....What about "Master Builder"? From the dustiest corner of consciousness, FRED ............................................................................. Foo dog {Fu-dog}: A mythical creature given to acts of random philanthropy . ............................................................................. "Ball in to Kareem. Kareem against the hand check of Parish. Kareem to the. dribble. Kareem swings left, shoots right. Skyhook of eight...It's good!!!. Kareem, adding an exclamation point to this big, big win in Boston!" . ............................................................................. "Ogami Itto. Suio Zanbatto Ryu." . . #1 on the list of things you don't want to hear from the guy you just . picked a fight with . .............................................................................