Subject: Re: ratings and such From: tneff@bfmny0.BFM.COM (Tom Neff) Date: 1991-02-19, 16:16 Newsgroups: Folks, Nielsen and the networks *do* know the limitations of the rating system. There's no magic factor. You can't call their figures absurd just because the sample is small. If Nielsens were wrong, you'd expect to see two factors: bias and/or inconsistency. I have seen no credible evidence that Nielsen home selection is biased against "Twin Peaks" viewers. And as far as consistency is concerned, look at the share week after week. 5.1, 5.2, 4.9, 5.4, etc, etc. These are not the wild swings an excessively small sample would produce. The things Nielsen CAN'T measure are well known to pollster and network alike. The new People-Meter system was introduced to address some of them. Immediately some numbers changed and studios were frightened. But no 5.1 shares turned into 25.1! Nor is the argument that "even with a small share, there are a lot of us out here" worth much. These things are relative. A 5.1 share means about 4.7 _million_ homes are tuned in!! Everyone agrees that's a lot of viewers, in raw numbers. The lowest-rated show on TV gets "a lot" of viewers. The problem is that almost every other show does BETTER. ABC's "Full House" had an 18.7 share this week. The stinking decayed corpse of "Cheers" still pulls in a 20.8 share! Do you know how much cheaper it is to make an episode of "Cheers" than "Twin Peaks"? But NBC can charge several times more for ad time. ABC's "Coach" pulls a 15.9. "Who's the Boss," 15.3. These are the kinds of numbers that let the network see a return on its investment. A 5.1 share for an expensive, large-cast, hour long series means ABC's money is going down the drain. So, what's our role as concerned viewers? Remind ABC that we are LIVING EXAMPLES of the gray area Nielsen has trouble with. Suggest to them that with patience and a better slot, "Twin Peaks" can develop a steady following like "Hill Street Blues" or "thirtysomething." Let them know that the ones who DO watch are the ones who care enough to write, and also buy stuff. ---------- Postscript: As I compose this message, ABC's announcement just came over the wire. "thirtysomething" is going on hiatus too! So much for that success story. They'll air the remaining episodes starting 4/23.