Subject: Re: Adieu, Mon Ame Solitaire (Was Re: ACES!) From: (David Barker-Plummer) Date: 1991-02-20, 17:04 Newsgroups: > > The second is a bit more complex. We've seen, a few times, that > > the host of the 'inhabiting spirit' needs to be near for the spirit > > to manifest in a vision (as opposed to a dream). (Perhaps this is too limited. > > It certainly seems to be true for the Sr. Droolcup/GIANT, so I'm going > > to over generalize and hypothisize that it is true for all of them.) If > > this is so, who are the current hosts for BOB and the Man From Another Place? > > There were only two people in the room... Four by my count -- but two appear to be dead or dying. -- Dave