Subject: Re: Adieu, Mon Ame Solitaire (Was Re: ACES!) From: (David Barker-Plummer) Date: 1991-02-21, 06:30 Newsgroups: >> > > The second is a bit more complex. We've seen, a few times, that >> > > the host of the 'inhabiting spirit' needs to be near for the spirit >> > > to manifest in a vision (as opposed to a dream). (Perhaps this is too limited. >> > > It certainly seems to be true for the Sr. Droolcup/GIANT, so I'm going >> > > to over generalize and hypothisize that it is true for all of them.) If >> > > this is so, who are the current hosts for BOB and the Man From Another Place? >> > > There were only two people in the room... > > > > Four by my count -- but two appear to be dead or dying. Another thought (sorry I only have one at a time). Is TMFAP known to "represent" Leland, or perhaps he "represents" Bob's host. Under this theory, perhaps the current host of Bob will start dancing any moment now. On the other hand, it is possible that, when Frost/Lynch heard that TP was being cancelled they just called everyone who was available and said "come on down". -- dave