Subject: Truman *IS* Bob's new Host From: ap056@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (J. Scott Owens) Date: 1991-02-21, 19:55 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ap056@cleveland.Freenet.Edu 1 RE: Pete Martin's memo on Truman. I agree totally. If you will recall, each time Bob appears, the host disappers.. For that matter, anytime any spirit appears, the host disappears. (Except for the "one-armed man", so this deserves some thought.) When Bob appeared last saturday, Truman AND Josie disappeared. Bob asked "Coop, where is Josie?" ---NOT, "Coop, where is Josie and Truman." The reason is, is that BOB has taken Truman as his HOSTand cast Josie into the wooden drawpull. After all, Leland DID die at the sheriff's office jail and Truman was one of the few people around for Bob to jump to for a HOST. The dwarf dances when he thins he has Cooper over a barrel. It danced when it had him totally confused about the dream and now it dances because Coop knows that he has one helluva problem with his Peaks best friend...Harry S. Truman. Trust me...this makes sense. ;l