Subject: Re: Announcements regarding future of TP From: (Sanjiv Sarwate) Date: 1991-02-22, 10:05 Newsgroups: writes: > > I read in the February 21 USA TODAY that Twin Peaks executive producers > > David Lynch and Mark Frost are planning a press conference for today > > (Friday, February 22) to discuss the current status of Twin Peaks. > > Also, composer Angelo Badalamenti supposedly said that sometime next > > week ABC will announce a new time slot for Twin Peaks, a weeknight. > > Has anyone heard anything more about these announcements? > > > >Jeff Kouba > >Dept. of Physics and Astronomy > >University of Iowa > >INET: No, but somehow, I think Badalamenti's Grammy may help things.... Perhaps ABC should place it opposite their strongest shows, instead of their weaker ones. For instance, showing it at 9 on Tuesday's is an option. Maybe rotate every other week with something like 30something. It's an idea.... -- Sanjiv Sarwate "But what is truth? sarwate@ux1.cso.uiuc.eduIs truth unchanging law? BITNET: SANJIV@UIUCVMD.BITNETWe both have truths. Are mine the same as yours?"