Subject: Re: Politics=Cancellation? From: (Jim Stafford) Date: 1991-02-25, 19:33 Newsgroups:, In article <> (Ann Hodgins) writes: > >Twin Peaks is now featuring a showdown between good and evil involving > >the military (Major Briggs) and mirrored in a war game, chess, which is > >a game that reflects military and political tactics. > > > >Sooner or later people will draw parallels between the tv show that > >prompts so much discussion and the events in the gulf. > > > > (Edited here) > > > >Is it possible that the abrupt elimination of this show, featuring this > >particular moral philosophy at this particular time could be political? > >Could the american network have received orders to pull the show until the > >Gulf war is over? "I am gross and perverted I'm obssessed and deranged I have existed for years, but very little has changed. I am the tool of the Government And industry too For I am destined to rule and regulate you I may be vile and pernicious But you can't look away I make you think I'm delicious With all the stuff that I say I am the best youu can get Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin out From your TV set You will obey me while I lead you And eat the garbage that I feed you Until the day that we don't need you Don't go for help! one will heed you Your mind is totally controlled It has been stuffed into my mold And you will do as you are told Until the rights to you are sold THATS RIGHT FOLKS... DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!! "I'm the Slime" Frank Zappa Actually, I think the real victim of any government abuse is probably China Beach...I doubt if your typical USDA choice couch potato is capable of under- standing any symbolism more profound than a raised toilet lid. However, they might have been able to see that a war time field hospital (blood, body bags, etc.) doesn't look much like the "Nintendo War" they want us to see on CNN. jimbo