Subject: problem with Wed. night From: UN040377@WVNVAXA.WVNET.EDU Date: 1991-02-25, 22:41 Newsgroups: A horrible thought just occured to me. Suppose ABC brings Twin Peaks back on the night Lynch/Frost want, Wednesday. Guess what, Wednesday is also the night that NBC is putting Quantum Leap in, starting next week. What if Twin Peaks and Quantum Leap are put up against each other? Both shows have approx. the same demographics, and have a lot of fans in common. People who want to see both shows will probably watch QL live and tape Peaks, since so many tape it already. So Peaks will end up with lousy ratings yet again! This would almost certainly kill Peaks for good. Or worse, I guess, viewers will be split between the 2 shows, lowering the ratings of both. Then they would both get cancelled! I wonder if Lynch/Frost thought of this when they chose Wednesday? This could be disastrous to fans of either/both shows. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kenneth Bays | "Everyone looks naked when you | know the world's address." - TMBG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -