Subject: BOB in "Esquire" From: podlozny@csli.Stanford.EDU (Ann Podlozny) Date: 1991-02-26, 15:36 Newsgroups: While flipping through the March issue of "Esquire" yesterday, I came upon an article that suggested that BOB become a roving television entity (much like the Energizer rabbit, I noted 8), dedicated to ridding us of boring, lame, whining TV characters. Among the author's picks for quick elimination was Gary on 30s. Now, Gary *did* die on the last episode...perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye! I'm not going to even try to paraphrase; the article was very funny, and I recommend that you head for your nearest magazine headquarters and browse through a copy. I read it on an airplane, so I don't have the article handy. ann podlozny