Subject: Re: Owl stuff From: (Barbara Hlavin) Date: 1991-02-27, 16:33 Newsgroups: In article <> (Richard Hancock) writes: > >I thought the significance of "The owls are not what they seem" was two-fold :- > >(i) that although BOB killed Laura, Cooper shouldn't be looking for someone who > >has the physical appearance of BOB; (ii) that the owls are literally not what > >they seem, ie. that they're associated with spirits. OK, OK, I know I said I wasn't going to write a letter, but ever since that ill-advised proclamation I have been haunted by owls. In the bookstore it seems that every fifth book I see has "owl" in the title -- THE OWL I KNEW, THE HABITS OF OWLS, ONE MAN'S OWL, I HEARD THE OWL CALL MY NAME. This morning as I opened my newspaper the first headline I saw read "Symbolic victory for owls." I get the message. The letter is in the mail. --Barbara -- Barbara HlavinWe have to believe in Free Will, twain@blake.acs.washington.eduwe've got no choice. -Isaac Bashevis Singer