Subject: Re: TV Programming Schedules From: (Cisco's Buddy) Date: 1991-02-27, 00:33 Newsgroups:,, In article <>, (Pete Zakel) writes... } Well, the ONLY shows I watch regularly are: } Twin Peaks (maybe not anymore, at least not until after the "hiatus") } The Simpsons } 60 Minutes } Star Trek: The Next Generation } The Black Adder (BBC historical comedy broadcast on PBS station KTEH) } Red Dwarf (BBC science fiction comedy broadcast on PBS station KTEH) The only current shows *I* watch regularly (counting ones on hiatus) are TWIN PEAKS, UNDER COVER, THE WONDER YEARS, THE FLASH, and ZORRO (with the latter two filed mostly under "G" for "Guilty Pleasure"). Re-run shows I catch regularly are THE AVENGERS and MIKE HAMMER. And THE RAY BRADBURY THEATER, which is kind of in the limbo between new and re-run. } I'll also watch Fawlty Towers, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Comedy Tonight } [...] when convenient. Which is where I file ST:TNG. } Why doesn't TV Guide (and the local Programming Guides in the local } papers) have an alphabetical cross-index of programs? Good question. I would certainly find such a feature extremely convenient. } Instead of hunting through the entire guide looking for the programs I } like (and probably missing most of them), I could just look in the 'M's } for "Monty Python", see which channels and times it is broadcast, and } then arrange to watch (or have my VCR watch) the program. The only trouble is that they *want* us "hunt through the entire guide" so that we don't fail to see the advertisements that constitute the bulk of the magazine's financial support. -- "Have you ever made love to a revolutionary?" "No, but I once necked with a Stevenson Democrat." --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA) UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%ruby.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM