Subject: Re: Laura Palmer. From: (Jym Dyer) Date: 1991-02-28, 13:41 Newsgroups: ___ __ A lot of this is explained in the diary. Let's go over your _ list there: > > Looked after Johnny. > > Seen Dr. Jacoby. ___ __ These are one-day-a-week items. > > Delivered meals on wheels. > > Seen the Orchid Grower. > > Go to school (and become very popular). > > Did drugs. > > Go out with Bobby. > > Kept a diary/tape recordings, in detail. ___ __ Easy enough to fit into a typical day. She was smart, so _ getting good grades in school wasn't hard for her. She did the meals on wheels after school, and "the Orchid Grower" was part of that. Her relationship with Bobby was pretty uninvolving near the end. The diary and tapes were usually late at night. And the drugs narrowed down to one druge, cocaine, which kept her alert and hyperactive and able to do all this stuff in the first place. > > Worked in the departmental store. > > Worked in One-eyed jacks. > > Gone on picnics. > > Ridden her pony (if that white one was hers). ___ __ These didn't last very long. The pony died some years before, _ and the jobs at the various Horne businesses didn't last long. I only know of one picnic, with Donna and James, but I believe they took a day off from school for that. > > Met Bob. > > Got herself killed. ___ __ I presume you mean BOB. This also went on mostly late at _ night. <_Jym_> :::.-----.::: Jym Dyer :::::: :::.______.::: ::/ o o \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| Damn |\:: ::\ \___/ /:: I put my panties on one leg at a time. ::| Fine |/:: :::`-----':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`------':::