Subject: TP Drinking game -- my rules From: (Brian D. Moore) Date: 1991-02-28, 15:08 Newsgroups: Here are the rules I've used lately. 1) Get involved in TP. Speculate on its chance for survival. Get despondent and drink. 2) Watch the schlock that replaces TP (e.g., 'Perfect Strangers is now 1 hour! Hilarious hijinks ensue when Balki gets drafted during a visit to Baghdad!'). Get despondent and drink. 3) Go out and spend $7 on a David Lynch film. Realise that you used to do something similar -- for free. Get despondent and drink. 4) Watch your favorite actors doing thespial emasculation on the newly-expanded 'Perfect Strangers'. (e.g.'Damn good coffee.' Thank you, back on Mepos we learned the secret to great coffee is human urine.' (*spit take*) ) Get despondent and drink. 5) Realise that you are no longer invited to parties, since you snubbed everybody on those Saturdays when your VCR was not working. Predict plot on tonights "Perfect Strangers' (e.g. Oh no!! Balki does not understand the concept of prostitution. Watch the pimp beat the shit out of him. Oh no, now he has tetanus, and his jaw is locked up. This is too insane for me!! I am becoming despondent, give me a drink!!) 6) Sit down and list all of the other shows you liked which have met a similar fate -- Bakshi's Mighty Mouse, Police Squad, Molly Dodd, Slap Maxwell (I'm sure we each have our own list, but this is my drinking game, so it's my list). Watch CNN Headline News for 7 hours straight, get desp.... OK, I'm sure you all get the idea. Actually, I use this game quite a lot -- finals time, thesis, social contacts, breathing -- all of these are suitable subjects for a good game of blotto. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian D. Moore | Homebrewing -- the only sport exclusively for Space Physics and Astronomy | anal-retentive alcoholics. Rice University, Houston TX | Relax -- have a home brew. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------