Subject: Re: Is TP returning? From: (byron c go) Date: 1991-03-01, 15:16 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article <> (Cris Boettjer) writes: # I heard that Twin Peaks is not return? Is this true? # Cris Yes, Twin Peaks is not return. And it's not the elusive 'any' key that people keep telling you to hit, either. Geez, Cris... anyone in Intro to Programming would know this by now! What cave have *you* been hiding in? ----- byron c ab econ/cs '92 ...!ucbvax!ucsee!bgo ...!ucbvax!ocf!byron "the scenery in the play was beautiful, but the actors got in front of it." alexander woollcott note: smileys for the humour-impaired upon request. e-mail only, please.