Subject: Re: Owl In Dream From: (Mary V. Burke) Date: 1991-03-01, 09:48 Newsgroups: #In article <> keb3@po.CWRU.Edu (Keith E. #Bitely) writes: #>I actually had a dream about BOB. It was very shortlived. All that happened #>was that I saw BOB at the end of Laura Palmer's bed. He was just looking #>at me, no smile or other type of expression on his face. It lasted about #>5 seconds (at least what I remember of it). And, when I woke up the next #>morning, I didn't find it scary or anything. I just can remember thinking, #>"neato! I had a dream about Twin Peaks! And, BOB was in it!" #I'd completely forgotten this dream until this post jogged my memory... either #last night, or the night before last, I dreamed that Harry was BOB's host. #I don't remember anything else about the dream except seeing Harry's face #fade to BOB's and then back. #Consider it prophecy. I had a BOB dream too, in which he was inhabiting my little brother (who bears no resemblance to HST or anyone else in the show, by the way). I was awakened in the small hours by BOB-like snarling and laughing sounds coming from his room, then he got up and went downstairs. Being a dolt, I went down after him to see what I could do. When I got there, he was peacefully watching TV in the living room, and BOB himself was in the kitchen. Being an INCREDIBLE dolt, I decided I had to try to kill him, and snatched up this enormous heavy screwdriver from the counter to do it...well, it was totally useless, of course--I eventually gave up trying to stab him with it and used the handle to bludgeon him, but he just stood there and laughed the whole time. Most unnerving. But not as bad as waking up from this to hear someone BREATHING in my room! After lying in complete paralysis for about 20 minutes I realized it was just drifts of snow blowing past the windows. Yow! MVB "Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of"--TMBG Disclaimer: Homey don't play dat.