Subject: Survey trends From: (Luis Ramos) Date: 1991-03-05, 18:20 Newsgroups: Keep those survey responses coming. Trends have indicated a lead by some program shown on FOX, followed not too far behind by an NBC show and a show from an independent network. Oh, before I forget, I am reminding those who answered "No, not yet but I plan to" to question 10 not to forget sending in their letters. I plan on posting results on Thursday, March 7 (to allow for network latency). I've included a copy of the questionnaire in case you missed the original posting. Louie ------------questionnaire starts here------------------------------------ 1. What shows do you watch *regularly* during prime time (8:00 pm to 11:00 pm) on the non-cable networks (i.e. NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, etc)? (Quantum Leap and other "hiatusized" shows this season are acceptable answers). Note that I will assume you watch TP regularly unless you explicitly specify otherwise. 2. Which one of the following best describes you: (a) yuppie/professional (i.e. lawyer, stock broker, company executive, doctor, etc.) (b) student (starving or not) (c) academe dude (i.e. professor, researcher, PhDs, etc.) (d) alien from another place (e) others, please specify _________________ 3. What best describes the locale that you live in? (a) urban place (i.e. major city) (b) highly industrial place with lots of factories (c) highly agricultural place with lots of crops (d) I live in the woods (e) other, please specify __________________ 4. How many people watch Twin Peaks from your houshold? 5. Do you own or have access to a VCR for taping shows and watching them later? 6. If you are watching a show in real-time (i.e. not from a tape) and a commercial comes on, which of the following do you usually do: (please pick the best answer) (a) browse through other channels (b) watch the commercial (c) do something else while commercial is being shown (i.e. take a piss, get a snack, do homework, read book/magazine, talk on the phone, play with dog, play with date, call friend in West Coast and give away spoilers, etc.) (d) turn TV off (e) immediately go to the store and purchase the product being advertised (f) fall asleep (g) others, please specify ________________ 7. (Skip this question if you don't have a VCR). If you are watching a taped show from a VCR, what do you usually do when a commercial comes on: (please give best answer) (a) fast-forward the tape (b) watch the commercial (c) let the commercial play but do something else (i.e. take a piss, get a snack, do homework, read book/magazine, talk on the phone, play with dog, play with date, call friend in West Coast and give away spoilers, etc.) (d) fast-forward through the show and just watch the commercials (e) others, please specify ________________ 8. (Skip this question if you don't have access to a VCR). If you fast-forward through a commercial, do you have recognition of the product being advertised? 9. Did you buy a copy of Laura's Diary? 10. Did you write to ABC regarding the status of TP? 11. Other comments you would like to make?