Subject: New, bizarre, and semi-knowledgeable Peaks freak. From: Date: 1991-03-15, 06:49 Newsgroups: Hello to all the TP ( Twin Peaks, that is) fans out there. My name's Rob Gougher, and I'm a film major at good ol' PS of U. Any way, a friend of mine at Bucknell told me about this neat little group of fellow watchers and I finally had to throw in my lot. So, if any body has any neat little tidbits, Lynchian, Peaksian, Whovian, Blake sian or otherwise, send 'em my way. For now, here's something to think about: So my good friend and I are discussing the possibility of Bob having taken over Josie. If nothing else, it would explain the c ar wreck seen at the end of episode 16, right after Bob leaves Leland. There is also the possibility that one of Bob's spirit buddies is stalking c ooper, possibly he possesses Windom Earle. As I look at these things, I realize that you guys have probably already h ashed through them - but I couldn't get on and just write nothing -now could I? somebody write please. RG