Subject: Andy and BOB are coming to Iowa! Thursday 3/28! From: (Robert D. can call me The Bob) Date: 1991-03-20, 14:45 Newsgroups: The Iowa COOP chapter is proud to welcome stars of Twin Peaks to Iowa!!!! Harry Goaz (Deputy Andy Brennan) and Frank Silva (Killer BOB) will be the guests of honor at the "It is Happening Again" costume party on Thursday, March 28th in the Wheel Room of the Iowa Memorial Union in Iowa City Iowa beginning at 6:30 pm. All are invited to come dressed as their favorite Peaks character, and 'press the flesh' with Andy and BOB! Door prizes to be given away! The world premiere of the video "Give Peaks A Chance"! And most importantly, Peaks return to be shown on closed circuit tv monitors throughout the party at 8:00pm! So...come one, come all! Admission is $2.50 without a costume, $1.50 with a costume! For more information, call (319) 337-4856 or email czahrt@umaxc.weeg.uiowa! Long Live Agent Cooper! Bob 'BOB' Cappel -- Robert D. Cappel, Iowa City,IA || aka "BOB", eager for fun! ||"All we are saying is give Peaks a chance!" || -COOP President || Keith Poston