Subject: Re: SEPARATED AT BIRTH? From: (R o d Johnson) Date: 1991-03-23, 08:38 Newsgroups: In article <> writes: > >Think about this for a moment... > > > >Avant-garde Twin Peaks Director David Lynch... > >Avant-garde music composer John Cage... > > > >Scary...isn't it? I suppose if you're a certain sort of dilettante it is. Lynch and Cage aren't of the same era, they don't look alike, they don't wrestle with the same sorts of aesthetic problems, they don't work in the same fields and their respective bodies of work don't resemble one another in the slightest. What they *do* have in common is that certain sorts of art-newbies think they can wow people by dropping their names. I guess they're both the kind of outside-the-mainstream types that pop culture like to canonize every now and then, as if to assure itself of its cutting-edge credentials. That's hardly something Lynch and Cage (and William Burroughs and the other people who have gotten this treatment) are to be blamed for, but I suppose it is a similarity of sorts. Is that what you meant? -- Rod Johnson * * (313) 650 2315 "House, bridge, well, gate, jug, olive tree, window" --Rilke