Subject: OOPS From: rosimcg@OAVAX.CSUCHICO.EDU (Rosi McGillivray) Date: 1991-04-04, 13:26 Newsgroups: Reply-to: rosimcg@OAVAX.CSUCHICO.EDU Sorry folks, about my recent post where I told about Mount Shasta. I know I did the >>> thingies wrong, but I AM only a neophyte in the forest of you masters. I think, BTW, that it's remarkable to find so many people (that's you guys) who automatically assume common knowledge of Squiggy. I thought L&S was supposed to be sort of sitcom never-never-land. (I watched it 'cause we only got one channel at that time). Regardless, I think he is the perfect sleazeball to help Ben Horne with his Ghostwood anti-project. And, of course, the perfect weasle handler. Now it we can just ferret out all those wood-be puns and get on to T-P! Peace... no .sig 'cause you're not real ROSIMCG@OAVAX,CSUCHICO.EDU