Subject: Re: Donna and Audrey are sisters From: (Sanjiv Sarwate) Date: 1991-04-05, 11:08 Newsgroups: (Brett J. Vickers) writes: > >Well, half-sisters anyway. > >It seems that Eileen Hayward and lecherous Ben Horne had something > >going "20 years" ago. I'd say that's about right for Donna's age -- > >isn't she 18? Also, didn't Doc Hayward look like he was trying to > >protect her from the truth? > >It sorta adds a new dimension to the "Twin" theme. > >-- > > | "Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed > >brett@ucippro.bitnet | to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind > > | union of the two will preserve an independent > > | reality." - Albert Einstein Soap opera schlock plotting, if you ask me. I hope that this particular subplot dies fast... -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sanjiv Sarwate "Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a .sig file out of my hat!"