Subject: Fiona needs some info *fast* From: (Fiona Oceanstar) Date: 1991-04-18, 15:42 Newsgroups: Thursday 6:30 PM This is amazing, y'all. I just got a phone call from a national newspaper reporter who is trying to put together a story on (as he put it) "Twin Peaks fans on the computer networks." (!!) So I asked him if he'd read my article in the _TP_Gazette_, and he said it was being fed-ex'ed to him tomorrow. We're supposed to talk again tomorrow afternoon, after he's read my article. So... please help me make this thing accurate: 1) when was formed? (and how soon after the show started?) 2) is there any one person who particularly deserves credit for its beginnings? 3) I've heard a number of 38,000 estimated for how many people read USENET news--do we have any better figures than that, like for in particular? 4) Any stats at *all* might be helpful: how many articles per day or per month, for example; anything else you can think of 5) What foreign countries are involved in 6) Don't we have access to info from Mark Frost and/or other members of the production crew? Who is the person that gets that info? 7) what are the routes of access to reading i.e., what nets other than USENET can you use to get on? 8) are most of us college students, computer programmers, or what? 9) do we have any special luminaries on the group I should mention-- professors of various ilks or celebrities or friends of celebs or anyone else that might make a good item in the story? 10) how 'bout any juicy stories about TP fans and what they do? I know the stuff about TP parties and Hallowe'en costumes, but is there anything especially related to the net itself, that I didn't already cover in my _Gazette_ article? That's all I can think of. The way I figure it, pulling together this info will be helpful for Project Rolling Stone as well. Any ideas you have, would be helpful. I'll let you know when this article materializes, what newspaper it'll be in and so on. Isn't this *amazing*? I guess is gonna go out with a bang, even if the show does get canceled for good. :-) Please *e-mail* me (since my newsreader is funky): --thanks! Fiona O.