Subject: Re: 4/18 SPOILERS From: (Timothy W. Lynch) Date: 1991-04-18, 23:40 Newsgroups: (William K Glunt) writes: Spoilers for 4/18: > > There's been complaining that the old feeling of dread is > >gone....and now this. Whereas we used to have just a serial > >killer to worry about, all through the 4/18 episode I get the > >feeling that something truly AWFUL is going to happen. Through a great deal of it, absolutely. Even Windom seemed much more sinister than before after the revelation that maybe he ISN'T just after Coop, or maybe isn't even after Coop at all... > >And as > >soon as the giant showed up mouthing NOOOOOOO as Cooper said > >that annie would be the queen, Startled the hell out of me, that one. As soon as Cooper said it, I and everyone else naturally said "oh, bad choice of words there...", but then when the Giant suddenly appeared, seeming about as frantic as he can get... brr. (And of course, Coop's shown that he's not very good at figuring out what the Giant means before...this is not a good sign for Ms. Blackburne. Pity.) > >you just knew BOB was going to > >put in an apperance...but if you were like me, you figured he'd > >appear in the vision. I wasn't sure at all where the hell he was going to show up. > >But it looks like our favorite psychopathic > >spirit has somehow managed to achieve corporial form...maybe he's > >finally accumulated enough soul energy? Perhaps--I think he's made it through to TP proper as well. This is a very good definition of a BAD thing. This is probably also a good time to make quick travel plans out of said town...:-) > > And what's with the shakes??? I don't know--but did you notice that we _also_ heard the "shakes" music when Ben was startled by whatever startled him? > > I thought this was the best episode in quite some time, Me too, I think. Certainly had the most engrossing ending in a long, LONG time. I don't remember having quite this sense of anticipation, of "oh, shit, what the hell is going on, and what do we do about it" since 11/3 and "The Great Northern Hotel!!" (Granted, though, some of that may be due to the fact that I knew this was the last one for a long time.) > >and now no more till June 10. *WAIL* Agreed. I don't wanna wait two more months... Tim Lynch (Cornell's first Astronomy B.A.; one of many Caltech grad students) BITNET: tlynch@citjuliet INTERNET: UUCP: ...!ucbvax! "The grass will be greener, 'til the stems turn to brown And thoughts will fly higher, 'til the earth brings them down Forever caught in desert lands, one has to learn to disbelieve the sea..." --Genesis, "Mad Man Moon"