Subject: TP GUT: massive hubris? From: robertj@unreal.uucp (Young Rob Jellinghaus) Date: 1991-04-18, 12:26 Newsgroups: Good old Paul Raveling posted a little while back and mentioned something like "Lynch directing last episode; he tossed the script and winged it, coming up with a pretty wild episode. Not all loose ends will be resolved." There are lots of people on this list posting Their Ultimate Apo- calyptic Conclusions to Twin Peaks. (The "aleph" one was pretty good.) The problem with all of them is they are way too well thought out. Look, Twin Peaks has never been known for its consistency or its willingness to explain everything. And if Lynch bagged the script for the last episode, I'm willing to bet my last cuppa joe that he's going to pull a big old fast one on us. There will be lots of things he never finishes, there will be lots of mysteries left unexplained, there may even be a lot of stuff that just plain doesn't fit with the rest of the show at all!!! And I predict that, as always, after the last episode about half the people on will be bitching about what a ripoff it was, and the other half will be sighing in perfect demented contentment, munching their donuts. And then they'll proceed to try to explain it all... but the savor will have gone out of that game, since we'll never know any more. But we will be able to treasure some damn fine memories, and we'll always remember to smell those trees. Smell those Douglas firs. Have you given yourself a present today? -- Rob Jellinghaus | "Next time you see a lie being spread or Autodesk, Inc. | a bad decision being made out of sheer robertj@Autodesk.COM | ignorance, pause, and think of hypertext." {decwrl,uunet}!autodesk!robertj | -- K. Eric Drexler, _Engines of Creation_