Subject: 4/18 and beyond (RS) (SPOILERS) From: larryy@Apple.COM (Larry Yaeger) Date: 1991-04-19, 03:55 Newsgroups: Sorry, Canadian friends... I don't even like to think about how frustrating it must be to have the episode just disappear with no warning. I sincerely hope that Global reschedules. As you probably are all too aware by now, the show did go on in the States on Thursday as planned. I really suspect that Lynch has been heavily re-editing in preparation for the "wrap-up", hence the late arrival of the tapes. But, following are a fare number of SPOILERS, so you'd best stop here if there's any hope of seeing the show up there. A few comments on the story, and various speculations, so far: First of all, thanks to everybody in this group for making the show extend through the week(s). It's been nice to live in the mythos for more than just the one hour per (occasional) week. Kudos to all the detail-spotters, the list-makers, the creative-explainers, and the journalists! A special thanks to Bernie Roehl for his very insightful summary of our favorite mythos. As Bernie and others have pointed out, we are definitely being drawn into an epic battle between the forces of "good" and "evil". While some have objected to a mixture between the concepts of good and evil and the tenets of Buddhism, don't forget that this is the belief system that brings us the notion of yin and yang, and the duality of all reality. The Zen koan asks, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?". Though koans don't have "answers" as such, surely one is expected to gain some insight into this duality by coming to the understanding that there is *no* sound of one hand clapping - that only through the collusion (collision :-) of opposing forces is reality made manifest. Accordingly, I don't believe (or at least I sincerely hope that) there will be no absolute victory over either the Black Lodge or the White Lodge. This struggle is eternal. It is life. I do hope, for the sake of our friend, Dale Cooper, and the citizens of Twin Peaks that the Black Lodge loses this particular battle! Contrary to Windom's and Joe Buck's belief (nice company ya keep there, Joe :-), I don't think the White Lodge is "clumsy and ineffectual" as compared to the Black Lodge. Rather, the White Lodge's methods are simply more subtle, and less direct than those of the Black Lodge. Subtlety and gentleness are often seen as less powerful methods of action by the coarse. Zen, however, teaches strength through yielding. I am reminded of Quai Chang Cain in the old Kung Fu television series; I think he and Dale would like each other. Someone (I believe it was Hawk) explained to Cooper that one had to pass through the Black Lodge to reach the White Lodge. This is consistent with a spiritual progression, a growth and a refining, along this path to enlightenment, or Heaven. Because of this greater refinement, and, perhaps, a greater respect for the ways of Fate (the way of Dao), the Giant is less willing to remake the world, or to directly intervene, hence his cryptic, oracular pronouncements to Dale. Tonight's more direct "Nooo!" from the Giant are a sign that things are really heating up, and was delivered with a suitably concerned expression to accompany such a radical action. (By the way, Joe Buck, I liked your metaphysical explanation for who the representatives of the two Lodges are and how they got that way! It really fits the Tibetan belief system that Coop subscribes to.) Dale is also told that in order to enter the White Lodge, one must defeat his Black self. Well, Windom was his partner, and is now wholey engrossed in seeking out the Black Lodge. Metaphorically, at least, WE is Dale's black counterpart. Thus, for reasons quite aside from the affair (sorry:-) with Caroline, Dale and WE must come to blows. Though this is really no surprise to anyone at this point. Sometimes I think that Dale is headed for the WL, and sometimes I don't. This is partly based on his statement that the discovery in Owl Cave was going to lead to something wonderful, though this could just mean that things would resolve themselves well and he and Annie would live happily ever after. And then there is the Major's vision, as related to Bobby (thanks, Luis Ramos, for the transcription), that mentions the seamlessly blended addition of new rooms to the WL, which could be suggesting that Coop will fit into the WL as easily as he fit into Twin Peaks itself, though this could be referring to Laura and Maddy, who made it to the WL due to their strength and innocence, respectively. Sometimes the ease with which various events and clues support completely opposing alternatives seems almost deliberate, and a bit maddening, eh? Another aspect of Major Briggs's vision is that *he* is returning to the WL. Sigh. I fear this means the death of one of my favorite characters ever. And it seems that Bobby is coming to grips with some more refined priorities in this episode, perhaps beginning the fulfillment of that part of the Major's vision for him - "living a life of deep harmony and joy". Might Bobby even figure in the WL's defense? Wittingly or not, it appears that the recent deaths at Windom's hands are strengthening BOB. I interpreted the various hand-shaking as being BOB trying to directly control these individuals, perhaps thinking he might actually be able to succeed, perhaps simply trying out the wearing of flesh again. I was already wondering if this might be the case when BOB's nearly physical manifestation occurred, and great emphasis (light and similar hand- shaking) was placed on his arm and hand. So it looks like BOB is going to be in on the big confrontation! He may not even need a host this time, or perhaps he will be able to control anyone without their *letting* him in, as was necessary in the past. BOB is a real wild card in Windom's deck. WE, in his madlong rush for power and revenge, may not pay proper due to the danger inherent in his chosen path. Evil is famous for destroying itself as well as good. BOB could as easily turn on WE as embrace him. Who can say? Leo-stein is obviously still in pretty bad mental shape. I lost it completely when he started shocking himself, following WE's great Brer Rabbit act. I know some folks disagree, but I find WE pretty damned spooky! Except that Coop put special emphasis on stating that WE had abandoned the chess game, I had been assuming that Leo, as WE's bishop, was going to be ordered to do something that forced Coop to kill him, since that piece had to be taken next to propel the stalemate (or possible mate). Perhaps this is a development that must needs be lost to the network-imposed time constraints. Still, Leo managed to recall Shelley's name, so he might play in this yet. So with this background, what's going to happen next? Well, what I predict and what I hope are a bit different (neither of which may occur, of course!). Unfortunately, I fear that Dale is going to fail to interpret or heed the Giant's warning (though this bothers me, as I think we all understood it all too well). Or it may simply be that Annie, who has a strong will of her own, will refuse to be swayed by any arguments that Dale is able to present to her - it is a bit of a tale to swallow, after all, that the Giant that (pretty much) only Dale can see, who warned him of other murders, is now telling him that Annie shouldn't try out for Miss Twin Peaks! Unfortunately, I believe that the Giant perceives the weave of the future only too well, and all roads lead to doom for Dale's second true love, *or* for Dale himself (who as others have speculated, may have to lose his physical self to save his Queen and his soul). In one scenario, Annie dies, but Dale and the WL prevail by killing WE. In the other, Dale saves Annie at the cost of his life. Incidentally, though I hope they don't take the previously suggested obvious out of having BOB inhabit Cooper, the violent loss of Annie (after having lost Caroline violently) is about the only thing I could imagine demoralizing Cooper to the extent that he would surrender his soul to BOB. What I'd like to see is for WE to send Leo after Annie, the new Miss Twin Peaks, and have Bobby (because Shelley is somehow threatened also) help out, and Dale, quite necessarily, kill Leo - to continue the chess game, and help fulfill the Major's vision (unfortunately, I fear this means the Major is probably killed - by WE - but his soul fills in the robed figure, and he is shown entering the WL [or perhaps the robed figure simply is shown taking him to the WL]). Then I'd like to see WE, in preparation for his own attack on Annie, and in his planned ascension to the BL, enter the waterfall and invoke the poem "... fire, walk with me", which together with all the recent deaths gives BOB sufficient strength to take over WE completely and almost instantaneously (we should just have time to see WE's recognition of the forces he has unleashed and the unfortunate fate which that spells for him). Then Coop, finally hot on WE's trail, confronts WE/BOB, and perhaps with a little coaching from the Giant, destroys WE/BOB. So cleansed in the fall's waters, Coop and Annie do live happily ever after in Twin Peaks, then, as far as we know - until the series is picked up by Fox! -- "You wouldn't recognize a *subtle plan* if it painted itself purple, and danced naked upon a harpsichord, singing, 'Subtle Plans are Here Again'." - Edmund Blackadder