Subject: OPERATION: PINE WEASEL NEEDS YOU NOW! SHOW THE WORLD WE'RE SERIOUS! From: (Robert D. can call me The Bob) Date: 1991-04-19, 11:41 Newsgroups: Operation: Pine Weasel -- Urgent Bulletin -- Distribute immediately! Desperate times require amazing efforts. In the ultimate display of positive consumer reinforcement, Operation: Pine Weasel is going to buy a car! (If enough peakers help, and help NOW!!!!) Here's how it will work: Each participating Peaker will send a $10 check, NOW, made out to: Operation: Pine Weasel The Great Northern 5979 NW 151 Street, Suite 212 Miami Lakes, Florida 33014 This is a tax-deductible contribution because Operation: Pine Weasel is now an actual, bona fide, non-profit corporation. Along with this check, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope. If donations do not reach a level sufficient to buy a car, I will send everyone's check back. I will not even deposit them unless there is enough to get the car. The car will temporarily be the property of the corporation, of which I (JC) am president. I will then get David Lynch to fly here and give the car to the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at a nationally-televised press conference, where we will go to great pains to get across the point that Peaks viewers are not your ordinary TV audience. (Why the Miami Project? They are currently a very high-profile charity, they have tremendous press connections, and they're here so I can work with them directly to plan the event.) Yes, this sounds crazy, but it will get us a lot of media attention. I figure we need 13-15,000 dollars to get a reasonable car, so that's 1,500 peakers who are willing to kick in ten bucks. I'll start by putting in $50 myself. Our show is sinking. We need to do some amazing things. I've got more in store. Please, put your money where your Special Agent is. JC BOURQUE, COOP Florida President Director, COOP InfoCom Center PS- Distribute this message as widely as possible ASAP, and please, don't shorten or modify it. Thanks. [Any questions? write Bob BOB Cappel COOP Iowa President] -- Robert D. Cappel, Iowa City,IA ||"You remind me today of a small aka "BOB", eager for fun! || mexican chihuahua...." || Deputy Bureau Chief || Gordon Cole