Subject: Re: 04/18: Next Episode 10 June?! Now I'm Shaking! From: (Darryl Cate) Date: 1991-04-19, 11:56 Newsgroups: In article <> (Michael Regoli) writes: > >][ > > > >Two questions: Why, suddenly, are the denizens of Twin Peaks getting > >a palsy? > > I thought that the cause of the palsy was revealed when BOB appeared, hand-first. I just assumed that BOB had been attempting to acquired a new host, and that each person lost control of their hand as BOB tried to move in. To Raise Another Question: When we last see Ben Horne, the "vision" music is playing and he turns and looks surprised. Is it safe to assume that one of the "visitors" (dwarf, giant, BOB, etc) has contacted Ben ? > > > >"There are many cures for a broken heart. But nothing quite like a > >trout's leap in the moonlight..." > > --Pete Martell > >michael regoli > > > >regoli@iubacs.BITNET > >..rutgers!iuvax!cica!mr Darryl Cate