Subject: Re: 4/18 SPOILERS From: swk004@muvms3.bitnet Date: 1991-04-19, 08:35 Newsgroups: In article <>, (S. A. Wilson) writes: writes > > What's with the ending with the school, Great Northern, the police > > station (and the hospital???) all emptied. > > I saw this a little differently...I perceived these as shots of doorways which may (or may not) have some significance to the shot of BOB emerging through a cosmic doorway of some sort. BTW, I'm a little suspicious of JJ Wheeler's (damn that name is familiar - has anybody gotten a line on that yet) hasty departure. Why would the death of a close friend result in the likelihood of his never coming back? Well, the suspense was killing me - I looked up the name Wheeler in the biographic entries of Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary and the only significant entry is as follows: Wheeler (phonetic spelling deleted), Joseph. 1836-1906. Amer. Confederate general & politician. Is it mere coincidence that JJ Wheeler arrived following Ben's confederate phase? Connie