Subject: Re: RS: The Cattle Ranchers in Space Theory From: (Jim Stafford) Date: 1991-04-19, 12:08 Newsgroups: In article <> (Luis Ramos) writes: ->The tatoos found on Maj. Briggs and the Log Lady were actually brands. The ->Cattle Ranchers of the Sky [Aliens] have been branding people to indicate ->which ranch a person belongs to [Have you checked your birthmarks recently]. ->The petroglyph is a map,indicating the boundaries of the various ranches [The ->map shows landmarks in addition to the boundaries].The 8 symbols of the black ->box give the 8 different ranches or tribes of aliens.Bob and Mike are two of ->three brothers which own the ranch which encompasses Twin Peaks. The third ->brother is still unkown. There's a chance that it could be the hooded figure ->we see from time to time. The two used to be real buddies but their ->relationship has turned sour over an argument which resulted on the burnin of ->a map of their ranch. -> ->Louie You are truly brilliant. I finally see the light: -The twangy guitar soundtrack -The big ranch among the pines -The clash between good and evil -The burning map -The three brothers (one often absent) -The patriarch, Ben dang-didda-lang-didda-lang-didda-lang....... it's...BONANZA!! With women and aliens, too! I can't wait for Hoss to show up and kick some owl butt!! jimbo