Subject: Symbols/motifs in the "^Twin Peaks^" Universe Version 9 From: (Jeff "Koganuts" Koga) Date: 1991-04-21, 14:28 Newsgroups: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: To commemorate the upcoming 10th version of this list, I want to restructure the list--in other words, make it easier to read. Some of the recurring imagery can be grouped with others, while others, well, you get the point. I'm hoping for suggestions as to how I can do this. Please send them by E-mail, please!! Thank you. **SPOILERS ABOUND FOR THOSE HERE AND IN EUROPE** Background: This list was first done as a tongue-in-cheek joke by yours truly, but is now a "canonical" listing of the legitimate and not-so-legitimate recurring imagery that occurs frequently in the "^Twin Peaks^" TV show. Also available: "The 12 Days of Christmas" a la "^Twin Peaks^" Well, here's the ninth version of this list. Special thanks go to the following people for contributing: Linda Birmingham (twice), Scott L. Vandenberg, Ann Hodgins, Jeanne Stapleton, Bradford H. Needham, Palmer Davis, "Arachnid", Greg M. Brown, Eric Daniels, Ron Sires, Bill Downing, "Scratch", Rocky Giovinazzo (thrice), Kathleen Hunt (twice), Bob Hettmansperger, John Locke, Nadir Ahmed (twice), Gary Kacmarcik, Marc Kriguer, David Barker-Plummer, S. Clark, "Cool Bean", Kenneth Bays, Rod Johnson, Kurt Svihla, Malachi Orion Kelerison, Jeff Calhoun, and Raymond Suke Flournoy. Symbols/motifs in the "^Twin Peaks^" Universe (last updated 4/21/91, 4/13/91, 4/2/91, 3/16/91, 3/4/91, 2/28/91, 2/19/91, 2/8/91, and in January): 1. Sex, comedy, violence, and rock 'n roll music (what else could one want in a TV show?) 2. Ceiling fan in the Palmer home 3. Traffic light 4. "Invitation to Love" soap opera 5. Waterfall outside The Great Northern Inn 6. Sprinkler on the Sheriff's Office ceiling 7. Birds: Robin (from opening sequence), Crow (when Agent Cooper, Sheriff Truman, Deputy Hawk, and Dr. Hayward enter Jacque Renault's log cabin), and Owls: Owls Owl Cave 8. Psychic visions 9. Trees/forest/wood: Forest in/outside Twin Peaks, Log Lady's log, Book House Boys patch, and Knob on drawer in The Great Northern Inn 10. Dead people: Laura Palmer, Bernard/Jacque/Jean Renault, Emory Battis, Blackie O'Reilly, Harold Smith, Madeleine Ferguson, Leland Palmer, Douglas "Dougie" Milford, Eric Powell (dead drifter), Jeffery Marsh, Malcolm Sloan, Jonathan Kumagai, Thomas Eckhardt, Josie Packard, and Rusty Tomaski (heavy metal victim) Also Theresa Banks, The Log Lady's husband (see #15), Nicholas "Nicky" Needleman's parents, and Caroline Powell Earle 11. Phases of the moon 12. Glasses/sunglasses: Doctor Jacoby, Benjamin Horne, Jerry Horne, The Log Lady, Madeleine Ferguson, Laura Palmer/Donna Hayward, Evelyn Marsh, Thomas Eckhardt, and John Wheeler 13. Cigarette/cigar smoking: Benjamin Horne, Shelley/Leo Johnson, Bobby Briggs, Audrew Horne, Josie Packard, Donna Hayward, and Evelyn Marsh 14. Fire: The Log Lady's husband died in a forest fire, "Fire, walk with me"--Mike and BOB, "Fire is the devil, hiding like a coward in the smoke"--The Log Lady, The scorched smell that Doctor Jacoby and Madeleine Ferguson both smelled when BOB was around, Packard sawmill fire, and The fire from the fireplace at the Great Northern lobby reflecting off Thomas Eckhardt's sunglasses 15. White horse: Laura Palmer's pony (Troy) that was seen by Sarah Palmer right before BOB killed Madeleine Ferguson, "General" Benjamin Horne's Civil War piece(s), and "General" Benjamin Horne's stuffed horse "Traveller" 16. Light and dark/White and black: White/Black Lodge, and Chess pieces (see #21) 17. Light fixtures/lightbulbs on the ceiling: Sputtering light in Twin Peaks hospital (coroner) when Agent Cooper inspects Laura Palmer's body, Sheriff's Office light when Eric Powell is found, and Leo/Shelly Johnson's ceiling light when Leo awakens 18. Animal heads: A chicken head (maybe a whole chicken) on "'Big' Ed's Gas Farm" sign (see #33), The mounted deer head in the Sheriff's Office with the sign "The Buck Stopped Here" The deer head that's on the table when Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper bring in Laura Palmer's safety deposit box, The assortment of trophys in the den (?) in Pete/Catherine Martell's home, The deer head next to Eric Powell, The cooked pig head that Josie serves as the main course in the dinner to Catherine Martell and Thomas Eckhardt, and The mounted dear head in the Book House 19. Hank Jenning's domino 20. Chess/chess pieces: Agent Cooper and Windham Earle's chess game, "Dr. Gerald Craig's" gift (black knight) to Dr. Hayward, and Rusty Tomaski inside giant (black pawn) at the gazebo 21. Twins/opposites: Agent Cooper/Windham Earle, Laura Palmer/Madeleine Ferguson, Bernard/Jacque Renault, Mike/Bob: Mike Nelson (Nadine Hurley's crush)/Bobby Briggs, Phillip Michael Gerard (the OAM)/Bob Lydecker (vet), Mike (spirit inside OAM)/Killer BOB, and The Giant/Little Man from Another Place 22. "Family trios" (warped versions on Daddy/Mommy/Child): Bobby Briggs/Shelly Johnson/Leo Johnson, (Dick Tremayne/Andy)/Lucy Moran/Nicholas "Nicky" Needleman, "Big" Ed Hurley/Norma Jennings/Nadine Hurley, Bobby Briggs/Audrey Horne/Benjamin Horne, Malcolm/Evelyn Marsh/James Hurley, and (Pete Martell/Andrew Packard/Thomas Eckhardt)/ Catherine Martell/Josie Packard 23. The color brown 24. Lookalikes (characters who physically resemble each other): Benjamin Horne/Leland Palmer, Audrey Horne/Donna Hayward (this is truer than we thought!!), and Laura Palmer/Madeleine Ferguson 25. Tattoos: Major Brigg's neck, and The Log Lady's leg 26. Red curtains in various dreams/visions/places: The Roadhouse stage, Agent Cooper's first dream sequence with the Little Man from Another Place, Jacque Renault's log cabin, and One Eyed Jacks 27. Furry animals: The llama, Josie Packard's vicuua coat (well, kind of >=)), The white animal (fox?) in Benjamin Horne's office, and The pine weasel 28. Picnics: Laura Palmer/Donna Hayward/James Hurley, Donna Hayward/James Hurley, and Audrey Horne/John Wheeler 29. Items on shelves: The Hurley home ("Big" Ed), The Palmer's home (fireplace mantle), and The Great Northern 30. Alteregos/characters: Madeleine Ferguson/Laura Palmer (in a wig?), Hester Prinn (sp?)/Audrey Horne, Leo/Bobby (he did an impression of him), Mister Tojamura/Catherine Martell, Dennis Bryson/Denise, (Woody and name)/Andy Brennan and Dick Tremayne (when they were looking for Nichola "Nicky" Needleman's file), Civil War characters/Benjamin Horne, Jerry Horne, Bobby Briggs, Audrey Horne, and Doctor Jacoby, Mr. and Mrs. Inkman/Mike Nelson and Nadine Hurley, Dr. Gerald Craig/Windham Earle, and Edward Perkins/Windham Earle 31. Astrological symbols 32. Lumber trucks 33. Signs "Welcome to Twin Peaks", "Twin Peaks Sheriff Station", "Mar-T"/"RR Diner", "The Great Northern", "Twin Peaks High School", "'Big' Ed's Gas Farm", "The Road House", "Wallie's Hide-Out", and "The Book House" 34. Poetry Mike--"Fire, walk with me"/"His name is BOB". BOB--"Fire, walk with me"/"I'll catch you in my death bag" Shakespeare--"Shall I compare thee to..." (poetic lines from R&H) Yeats--"Love comes in at the eye..." Shelley--(fragment of "Love's Philosophy" sent by Agent Cooper to Caroline Powell Earle, and by Windham Earle to Audrey Horne, Donna Hayward, and Shelly Johnson) Pete Martell--(limerick/ode to Josie) 35. Food Donuts at the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Station, Cherry pie and coffee at the RR Diner, and Benjamin Horne and carrots 36. Skirts (almost all of the females in Twin Peaks and at least one male seem to prefer them to pants) -- Jeff "Koganuts" Koga 1) "The 'Star Wars' Trilogy" by John Williams Internet: 2)"Dances with Wolves" by John Barry Bitnet: 6600koga@ucsbuxa.bitnet 3) "Star Trek II:TWoK" by James Horner Recommended CDs: 4) "Soundtrack from '^Twin Peaks^'" by Angelo Baladamenti