Subject: Re: Who to Call at Fox Broadcasting? From: (STEVEN ANTHONY GEMMA) Date: 1991-04-23, 08:26 Newsgroups: In article <11821@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, dsolomon@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Daniel Solomon) writes: > > Actually, I think that it might be better for the show if it isn't picked up. > > We are heading for one really big climax, and it wouldn't do the show > > justice to leave a lot of gaping holes just so there will be stories to pick > > up on. Don't get me wrong, I love the show, but I would prefer to see the > > show go out with a bang, then to get picked up, and slowly die due to lack > > of any real tension. The entire series has been building up to the White > > Lodge/Black Lodge confrontation that will (assumedly) take place in the > > finale. One that takes place, the show won't really have anything left to > > sustain it at the level that we have grown to love. Of course, that's what people said about the WKLP story line, too. I think that Lynch/Frost are intelligent and creative enough to keep the show going into the future. Certainly they think so. -Steve