Subject: Re: GUM From: halcyon! (Demosthenes) Date: 1991-04-26, 18:02 Newsgroups: (Mark Robertshaw) writes: > > (Scott L. Vandenberg) writes: >> > > In article , ( > > [call for gum-theories deleted] >> > > >> > > An off-the-wall idea: To Leland, the gum could be some sort of >> > > link back to his childhood, before he was possessed by Bob. Perhaps >> > > it's a gum he liked when he was young, and thus it brings back >> > > pleasant memories of a time when he was not a marionette controlled >> > > by evil forces. The fact that it's coming back into style could >> > > mean that such a time is returning -- Bob is leaving him, although >> > > he ends up having a tragically small amount of time to enjoy this >> > > state. > > If "enjoy" is the proper word :-) > > > > -Mark I've got it. It isn't "gum," but "Gumm," the Tibetan philosopher that Cooper reads. So what the LMFAP and WMDRSW are really saying are "That Gumm you like is going to come back in style," meaning that this man's philosophy is going to be world-wide soon. Or maybe I just need more sleep at nights... ///////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "I really hate guidance counselors. Demosthenes If they knew anything about career 18004 146th Ave NE moves, why would they be guidance Woodinville, WA 98072 counselors?" - Happy Harry Hard-On, "Pump Up the Volume" ///////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\