Subject: Re: The Mar-T/Double R Cafe From: (R o d Johnson) Date: 1991-04-28, 11:18 Newsgroups: In article halcyon! (Demosthenes) writes: [News from North bend] Then maybe you can confirm something. I have a student who grew up in the Seattle area (which I guess means Seattle, basically). Her father is some kind of bigshot attorney who had business interests in Snoqualmie and North Bend--specifically in the power plant above the falls, which TP is careful to keep out of sight. Her family used to go on weekend vacations to the Salish Lodge (which, by the way, she says is way upscale on the inside, not much like the Great Northern). Anyway, she says that North Bend's main claim to fame used to be this: there was one traffic light in the whole town, and it sat squarely on the main highway through town, which was coincidentally a non-limited access section of I-90. It was, in fact, the only stoplight on I-90 between the east and west coasts, and the government used to beg and plead with North Bend to remove it. North Bend refused, and the Feds finally built a bypass. My student said that this stoplight was quite celebrated, known for fifty miles around as a pain in the ass. To me, this story gives a certain resonance to the the shots of the stoplight in TP. Is this *the* stoplight, famed bane of truckers coast-to-coast? Does anyone know if this story is true? -- Rod Johnson * * (313) 650 2315 "Peter--push the plug" --Josie Packard