Subject: Re: Ramblings From: Date: 1991-04-29, 23:47 Newsgroups: In my original set of questions, I should perhaps have been more clear on one point. I'm not really in that much doubt about WHETHER a Mrs. Ben Horne exist ed; my real question is: What the hell happened to her? Where is she while Ben has been sleeping with Josie and Catherine, and while he was a raving Civil Wa r lunatic, and while he's stirring up trouble with Eileen? And speaking of which, let me repeat: Does anyone know why Eileen is in a wh eelchair, or is this a plot point to come? _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | |Kyle R. Krom | "I love you, Sheriff Truman." | |Penn State Chem Jock | -Albert Rosenfeld | | | | |__________________________|__________________________________________________|