Subject: More Miss TP conjectures From: Date: 1991-05-01, 13:19 Newsgroups: I have the sneaking suspicion that Lana is a ringer. She seems awfully intent on becoming Miss TP. It can't be the dough cause we have every reason to believe she inherited a lot more than $2,000 from Dougie and can get all of Dwayne's money too, if she wants it. This leads me to suspect that she is somehow aware of WE's intentions towards Miss TP and intends to thwart him, perhaps using her special power to cloud men's minds, as it were. Don't forget that Dwayne was all set to blow her brains out. That could mean that she is involved with the same people (?) that the Giant is. If this is indeed the case, then my previous prediction that she wouldn't be the winner doesn't look so good. Maybe they just put Richard in there rather than some other man whom she might charm because his conflicting interest in Lucy gives them more to work with. In that case, Lana wins out and Richard has some interesting scenes with Lucy when she figures out that Lana vamped him. -Rich Haller