Subject: Re: RS: Ben Horne From: (Ann Hodgins) Date: 1991-05-01, 08:56 Newsgroups: In article <> (Jeff Davis) writes: > >Demosthenes writes: > > waco@bellevue.hahahaha writes: > > > > Fraering writes: > >my position was that since Ben Horne was in the process of making a > >moral choice and that the others were simply enjoyable cartoons, Horne > >was the central -- if not only -- character, as "character" is understood > >within the framework of drama. There is something very attractive and interesting about your theory that Ben is the only real character in Twin Peaks. I'd like to hear more. Is a character one who grows and changes, makes moral choices? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ann Hodgins E Uassiuian is the will to continue To laugh, to have fun and to be amazed.