Subject: Re: RS: Some guesses (including COOPER BOOK SPOILERS) From: (Peter D. Wilson) Date: 1991-05-03, 11:51 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Cool Bean) writes: > > Hate it. To think we spent a year theorizing and analyzing nothing more > > than a vision, would be a HUGE let down. Didn't we all do this for EVERY vision that Cooper had? We spent weeks analyzing each prediction made by the giant, months going over every phrase said by the LMFAP. Knowing that these were only visions didn't prevent us from enjoying them. > > How could you then go see a movie, knowing the whole time its just another > > vision? How can you go see a movie now, knowing that it is nothing more than fiction, a story created by the author? > > It would take all of the fun out of it and the mystery, which I > > find central to my addiction. If the story is coherent and ties into the bigger picture (like the visions in the show were), how can making it a vision destroy its enchantment? > > --Cool Bean Peter. ********************************************************************* * "A person is a person | "The life I lead would even * * no matter how small." | make a dead man yawn" * * - Horton | - Klaatu * *********************************************************************