Subject: Re: TP - FTP Sites - nothing urget From: (Magenta) Date: 1991-05-09, 10:56 Newsgroups: In article <804@ark.UUCP>, peiges@ark.UUCP (Bert Soto) writes: > > I know I have seen posts in the past concerning FTP sites > > with Twin Peaks information. > > > > Could someone post these sites? > > > > I want to collect as much info as I can while I can. That > > is before the network weasels cancel the most imaginative > > show that has ever hit the tube. > > > > > > Bert Soto > > SWBT, LR, AR Hmmm...these weasels are unfortunately not an endangered species. Betcha they're incredible roasted, though.... ================================================================================ /| /| | "Ah Sweet Transexual! / | / | _ _ _ _ _|_ _ | To sing and dance once more to your / | / | / \| / \ /_)/|/ | | / \| | Dark refrains. \_/ |/ \/\_/|/\_/|\_/ | |/|/\_/| | To take that... | | Step to the right...." \_/ | ================================================================================