Subject: re: It's in the Water From: (Barb Miller) Date: 1991-05-10, 17:34 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article <> (alex gabis) writes: > > Close focus on a dripping coffee cup, from which Coop has just drunk; > > foreboding music and camera shot as he and Annie kiss. > > Remember Jones wiping something on Truman's lips? Didn't she kiss > > him as well? Remember the Giant frantically warning Coop about > > something just as he's about to kiss Annie? Coop has remarked that > > he is finding it hard to focus on work. Is it only because of > > this infatuation with Annie, or is something else affecting him? > > What about all those shots of the falls? And now everyone in town > > has shaking hands. > > > > Here's the explanation: > > > > Coop and everyone else in Twin Peaks are being drugged. > > > > Whatever was in Jones' vial was also on her lips, and on Annie's, > > and in the town drinking water. > > > > Has this theory been explored? It's interesting, but I have a hard time building it into a coherent whole. If the water supply is drugged, why bother to put the drugs on the lips of Annie and Jones? Who would be doing it and what purpose would it serve? And why would the giant warn Coop off kissing Annie but not drinking the water? And why drug Harry at that particular time? Given the state of Harry's mind when Jones tried to kill him, I doubt that any drugs were necessary to render him weaker. I just assumed that she wanted him to think it was Josie who was killing him, so in his barely conscious state she made use of the least conscious of the senses, that of smell. Barb Miller