Subject: Re: Gordon Cole == Origins From: (Guff) Date: 1991-05-15, 11:03 Newsgroups: In article <1991May14.075413.5238@panix.uucp> dfl@panix.uucp (Danny Lieberman) writes: > >I honestly don't recall if I read this tidbit on usenet or NOT, so I'll post > >it anyway, what the hell when theres no new TWEEKS to dissect. Yesterday > >(sunday) I saw Wilder's Sunset Boulevard for the first time, one of the > >openers of the Billy Wilder festival at the Film Forum. Wilder named an > >off camera character "Gordon Cole", a worker at Paramount studios under > >Cecil B Demille... maybe a real Paramount person? In the film Cole calls > >the movie stars house but she won't speak to him. When she goes to see > >De Mille she mentions that the calls from Gordon Cole prompted her to visit > >the studio for the first time in decades. De Mille calls Cole to ask just > >what the hell was going on. Gordon Cole explains that he wanted to use > >her old fashioned car as a movie prop for a period picture! Not much of > >a MacGuffin but an cute origin to a peculiar character. > > > > > >-- > >*********************************************************************** > >* Danny Lieberman cmcl2!panix!dfl * > >* PO Box 3131 "Here's Leland!" * > >* NYC 10008-3131 USA THIS SPACE FOR SALE * Sorry to dump this in, but my messages got bounced! I just wanted to know the definition of "a MacGuffin." My last name being McGufficke, I wanted to see if there was a connection. Again--my apologies to anyone who wasted time reading this! Guff C C kno -- +----------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------+ |"Why must we sit here watching this garbage?" | Graeme McGufficke | DOWN UNDER| |"Can't find the remote control." | U. of Illinois at | _--_|\ | |"Oh." Akbar & Jeff (via Matt Groening) | Urbana-Champaign | / NT \ | +----------------------------------------------+ | \_.--._/ | | DISCLAIMER: Just my views--hold the pickles! | Expatriate Aussie | v | +----------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------+