Subject: Re: What A Drag! From: (Roar Larsen) Date: 1991-05-21, 03:15 Newsgroups: In article <> (Daniel J|nsson) writes: > > ...yesterday 2020 was > > run, and afterwards the message was that 2021 is going to be on > > June 17th. I had anticipated this, it wouldn't have been very likely > > that it would be released here before you americans had seen it. > > What about you danes and norweigans? I suppose you will have the same > > hiatus!? The same happened here in Norway also :-( 2021 will be shown on June 14th, and 2022 on June 21st. What is perhaps most interesting, is that the two-hour finale in the US will be split into "ordinary" episodes over here... The good thing about this hiatus of course, is that it at least indicates that the final episodes will be "tailor-made" to wrap up some of the loose ends. Roar Larsen, Trondheim, Norway