Subject: Re: Huckelberry Pie From: (Ann Hodgins) Date: 1991-05-22, 09:29 Newsgroups: In article <> (Nick Nicholas) writes: > >brian@hplvec.LVLD.HP.COM (Brian Wood) writes: > > > >Donna was crying for Harold at the Roadhouse while Maddie was being dispatched, > >eh? (Note: Interesting how Lynch allows our attention to wander while the deed was done... I didn't see the switch from Maddie to Donna as a discontinuity but as a weaving together of the two events. I think it is interesting that Donna suddenly felt so sad just at that moment. After all there are plenty of other times when she might have felt sorry for Harold, why then? I see a kind of inter-connectedness between Maddie and Donna at an unconscious level. I believe that we don't always know the real reasons for the emotions we suddenly feel. Of course, if you don't believe in ESP then this theory won't appeal to you. a.h.