Subject: David Lynch video and "Twin Geeks" (parody?) on Nitetrax Sat nite From: long-morrow@CS.Yale.EDU (H. Morrow Long) Date: 1991-05-23, 07:56 Newsgroups: The Subject: line says it all. TV Guide has a listing for Night Tracks this Saturday (May 25) night listing a 'David Lynch video' and "Twin Geeks" as short pieces to be presented. I don't have the exact time schedule here, I believe in NYC Night Tracks is carried on either VHF CH 5 or 11. - Morrow -- _ _ __ _ __ (/_ / (/ \/ \ _ __ __ ____ _ __ (/ _ __ _) / / . / )_(_)_/ (_/ (_(_) (_(_( /___(_)_/ )_(_) ( ( ( _)