Subject: Re: Peaks actors in other Roles From: dfl@panix.uucp (Danny Lieberman) Date: 1991-05-25, 00:29 Newsgroups: In article <> sjerwin@cogsci.Berkeley.EDU (Sean Erwin) writes: ) )guy (names escape me) who plays the FBI-autopsyist with the smart mouth was )in Deep-Star Six, a bad underwater horror film. He played the obligatory Miguel Ferrer has played MANY roles, has LOTS of credits. He's very good, too. I suggest you go back and read the TP-actors-other-roles list and rent all the films listed. -- *********************************************************************** * Danny Lieberman cmcl2!panix!dfl * * PO Box 3131 "Here's Leland!" * * NYC 10008-3131 USA THIS SPACE FOR SALE *