Subject: TP: A *Real* FBI Agent Cooper? From: (Jym Dyer) Date: 1991-06-02, 07:18 Newsgroups:, -=- There really is an FBI agent who talks into his tape recorder, just like _Twin_Peaks_' Dale Cooper. -=- FBI Undercover Agent Michael Fain was assigned to infiltrate the Arizona branch of Earth First! (the branch that Earth First! founder Dave Foreman was in). His task was simply to be an _agent_provocateur_: he persuaded some hapless people to try to knock down some electrical power lines. They were arrested by the FBI, of course, and then Dave Foreman was arrested for "conspiracy." -=- Alas, it would seem that Fain said the following into his portable voice-activated "Diane"-like tape recorder: "I don't really look for them to be doing a lot of hurting people. [Foreman] isn't really the guy we need to pop -- I mean in terms of an actual perpetrator. This is the guy we need to pop to send a message. And that's all we're really doing . . . . Uh-oh. We don't need that on tape. Hoo boy." Not quite as suave as Dale Cooper, but hey, he's not being paid by ABC. He's being paid by he American taxpayer. <_Jym_> [Source: May/June 1991 issue of _Sierra_]