Subject: After June 10th From: FURESZ@KIDS.WUSTL.EDU (TODD FURESZ) Date: 1991-06-07, 10:30 Newsgroups: From:WUGATE::"" "Mail Delivery Subsystem" 7-JUN-1991 12:28:39.81 Subj:Returned mail: Host unknown Received: by WUGATE.DECnet (utk-mail11 v1.6) ; Fri, 7 Jun 91 12:29:04 CDT Received: by (5.65a+/WUSTL-0.3) id AA09675; Fri, 7 Jun 91 12:23:58 -0500 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown To: Cc: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 554 ... 550 Host unknown (Authoritative answer from name server) ----- Unsent message follows ----- Received: by (5.65a+/WUSTL-0.3) with SMTP id AA09471; Fri, 7 Jun 91 12:23:58 -0500 Message-Id: <> Received: from by with MAIL-11 (utk-mail11d v1.6); Fri, 7 Jun 91 12:28:55 CDT Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 12:28:55 CDT From: TODD FURESZ X-To: WUGATE::"" Subject: After June 10th To: I somehow have this feeling that I am going to very much enjoy the 2 hour season finale on the 10th. It will be afterwards that I will long for many more episodes and adventures in our fav northwest mill town. It will only be after the 10th that it will hit me just how good an interesting a show this has been (although I already have that feeling and have for more than a year). It is the old saying you never appreciate something as much as you should until it is gone. I hope Peaks will return in some form. What is the current status of the show going on as is in syndication or cable or of a big screen movie. I just gotta have more Peaks after the 10th. Todd PS I also gotta point out how great reading the net has been for the 10 months or so I have been into it. It has really made my experience much better and I hope I can continue reading your many interesting quips in the future.