Subject: Re: Literary Allusions From: (Barb Miller) Date: 1991-06-07, 10:42 Newsgroups: Reply-to: In article <> (Rocky J Giovinazzo) writes: > > > > In article <> writes: > > > > >23. Venus and Saturn: The statue (presumably of Venus) and the model > > >of Saturn in the dream sequence may refer to the myth of Saturn, who killed > > >his children. However, Venus was the daughter of Jupiter, not Saturn. > > Hmmm... there is the BOB=Saturn=bad god, Leland=Jupiter=good > > god, Laura=Venus=daughter of good god analogy. There is another version of Venus's birth that has her springing from the foam of the sea after one god threw the castrated genitals of his father god into the sea. I believe it was Jupiter who castrated his father Saturn as revenge for Saturn's having swallowed all his children, but it could have been Saturn castrating Uranus. Looks as though fatherhood among the figures of myth can be as ambiguous as among characters in Twin Peaks. Barb Miller