Subject: Venus and Mars From: jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) Date: 1991-06-08, 20:16 Newsgroups: A while ago, someone posted the poem about Jupiter and Saturn that WE recited at the end of the last episode. (I'd quote it, but I can't remember where I put it.) The verse after the one Windom quoted refers to Venus and Mars. Although Jupiter and Saturn are about as far as they can get away from a conjunction right now, Venus and Mars are headed for a conjunction! The Old Farmers Almanac lists the date as June 23, but they're fairly close right now and make a nice sight. (Jupiter is also near and will be getting nearer!) Just go out after sunset, before it becomes totally dark, and look West. The brightest object you see, easily visible before anything else, is Venus. Jupiter is dimmer but still brighter than any star, and is to the upper left of Venus. Mars is between the two, but is considerably dimmer -- you'll probably have to wait until almost dark to see it, but you can't mistake it for a star because of its position. Have fun, and don't get abducted! -- * From the disk of: | jms@vanth.uucp | "Let's become Jim Shaffer, Jr. |!vanth!jms |alive again." 37 Brook Street | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms | Montgomery, PA 17752 | | --Yes